The Executive Committee is the ULC’s governing board and has the responsibility for implementing the policies adopted by the ULC at its meetings, and all the duties and powers prescribed by the Constitution ...
The Legislative Committee, with at least one liaison in each state and territory, is responsible for seeking the state enactment of uniform and model acts approved by the ULC.
The Committee on Membership and Attendance encourages the prompt filling of vacancies in membership of the ULC; encourages members to attend meetings of the ULC; and acts as a reception committee for new ...
The Committee on Parliamentary Practice members serve as parliamentarians at ULC annual meetings. Each session of the annual meeting has a parliamentarian on duty. The role of the parliamentarian is ...
The Public Information Committee was established: to develop, on an ongoing basis, strategies to improve and assure that the work of the ULC is timely and accurately communicated to the public, with particular ...
The Committee on Scope and Program recommends to the Executive Committee the work the ULC should undertake and the general plan and scope of its activities.
The Committee on Style revises as to phraseology and style, but without altering meaning or context, all acts submitted to it by drafting committees, and all acts finally approved by the ULC. This committee ...
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(312) 450-6600
Uniform Law Commission 111 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1010 Chicago, Illinois 60602
Uniform Law Commission The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.